Tuesday, January 11, 2011

I am

A Meditation.

I am Love and Compassion.

I am Vitality and Health.

I am Wisdom, Courage, and Strength.

I am Light and Life.

I am Joy and Abundance.

I am Laughter and Playfulness.

I am Passion and Strength.

I am Truth and I am Beauty.

I am Integrity.

I am all these things.

I am these things in the presence of tragedy, sorrow, and pain.
I am these things in the presence of sadness and loss.
I am these things in the presence of fear and dislocation and despair.

I am all these things.

Because I choose.

I choose.

This meditation came to me just the other day, mostly in this form. It felt good to recite silently and aloud. As I have written it, I've extended it a little bit -- it still feels good.

I'm thinking about it's veracity. Can I be all these things, even in the presence of the challenges that we all face? I suspect I'll revisit this topic in the months to come.

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