Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Website Seeks Passionate, Talented, Patient Lover...

Firefly Willows Website as Cinderella

We have been neglecting our website since our early operating days. It's time she received the attention, respect, and love she deserves.

Firefly Willows is a beautiful, amazing, and emerging place, filled with compassionate healers, exotic scents, and fascinating, interested people who are exploring the world with wonder in their eyes. Our website should reflect that adventure.

Firefly Willows wants to be a gift to our community of healers and seekers. It wants to be a home, a refuge, a sanctuary, and a garden. A safe place where we can all learn to shine our inner light. Our website should reflect that intention.

Are you the person who can bring our website to life? Can you help her bloom into the radiant creation she can be? Do you have the time, skill, and interest to love her enough?

Are you her artisan, her gardener, her lover?

If so, please contact us at

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